
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Raising Responsible Kids

I found these great tips on parenting from this book that is my favorite called,Love and Logic Magic For Early Childhood it's the best book that I have ever read on parenting! And it really works!

Start teaching the value of self-discipline to your kids today by using these tips:

Tip 1: Model self-discipline by thinking out loud.
When your kids can hear you, model self-control by saying things like:
"I sure would like to go faster, but I better stick to the speed limit."
"The clerk handed me too much change. I really wanted to keep it, but I'm glad I was honest and gave it back."
Tip 2: Give your kids a small taste of democracy at home.
Kids who have never been allowed to make decisions when they are young lack the skills essential for making wise ones when they are older. Effective parents teach decision making by giving their children plenty of opportunities to practice. They do this by providing many small choices, such as:
"Would you like apple juice or grape juice?"
"Would you like your curfew to be 9 or 9:30 p.m.?"
Tip 3: Allow your children to make plenty of "affordable" mistakes.
As children grow larger, so do the consequences of their poor decisions. Love and Logic parents pray for their children to make plenty of small mistakes when they are young, so they'll have the wisdom and self-control to avoid larger ones when they're older. Love and Logic teaches, "The road to wisdom is paved with mistakes."
Tip 4: Lock in self-discipline with the "Empathy + Consequence" formula.
The seeds of wisdom and self-discipline are planted when children see their poor decisions lead to uncomfortable consequences. Unfortunately, some parents destroy the teaching value of consequences by delivering them with anger. Parents who make this mistake raise kids who reason, "When I act irresponsibly, it makes other people really mad. Next time, I'd better not get caught." Not surprisingly, these children lack self-control and require constant supervision.
Wise parents deliver consequences with sincere sadness or empathy. As a result, their children reason, "When I act irresponsibly, it makes my life sad. The quality of my life depends on the decisions I make." Therefore, these kids understand freedom and responsibility go hand-in-hand.
Auctions for free stuff at

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Corset Review

 I was sent a corset to review from Corset Chicks and they look awesome! The corset has steel busks closures on the front, and lases in the back for a good fit. If you are looking for some sexy lingerie  then this corset is for you. The fabric is very comfortable. Thanks Tomoson for giving me a chance to try some new lingerie!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Class on How to Make Money Blogging

Heads Up: This offer ends August 31st! Blogelina is once again offering her very popular 4-week blogging class — right now for just $5 (normally $25)! This online class will be held in October 2013.

If you sign up for this class, here’s what you’ll get:

  • A class manual – packed with 60 pages of information that will help take the overwhelming out of starting your own blog
  • 4 weekly online class sessions where you can ask your questions and get personalized feedback
  • A FREE year of web hosting.
  • Blueprints, step-by-step tutorials, networking with other bloggers - Everything you need to grow your blog.
Save yourself a lot of time, trouble, and money – learn from Tanya's own experiences what to do and not to do. Go Here to Reserve Your Seat In The 4-week Blogging Class!
This is very good deal!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

THERA°PEARL Contour Pack Review

I was sent the THERA°PEARL Contour Pack free, to review by and I believe that it is a wonderful product. I sometimes suffer from arthritis  and was recently on a camping trip and forgot my pain medication, and this product was a life saver! This product was the only thing I had to  relieve my pain, and it really helped!
  All you have to do is put it in a microwave and the jell balls inside the pack heats up and you have  heat!  Here is some information on this product:
   It’s perfect for sore knees and ankles, wrists and hands, shoulders and chest. The revolutionary Pearl Technology™ absorbs heat and cold while the soft, pliable pack stays clean and dry against your skin. It’s hypoallergenic, non-toxic and reusable. Chill it in the fridge or freezer for analgesic cold, or pop it in the microwave for penetrating heat. The pack holds its therapeutic temperature for a full 20 minutes.
Please visit there web site at: Pinterest, and on Google

For more information on their products please visit: 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Back to School Bash Blogger Signups

.Back to School Bash 20131 300x290 The Ultimate Back to School Bash: Blogger Signups #BTS2013
Sign up to enter the Ultimate Back to School Bash Giveaway Event sponsored by 3 Boys and a Dog and SPONSOR COMING SOON.
The winner will have a chance to win (currently at $202 value, but growing quickly!):
**More prizes being added daily!

This is a free event! Each blogger will receive 1 free link, either Facebook or Twitter.
To sign up for the giveaway you will need to post the announcement post (this post is NOT required, but is requested – it helps get the word out to other bloggers), post the giveaway post ( will email it to all participants a few days prior to the event), and also promote the giveaway 3x per week via social media channels or email.
The giveaway will run from August 18th at 12:01 am and run through August 31st at 11:59 pm.
Bloggers can sign up to be in the giveaway through August 10th. Hope to see you there!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Woolzies Dryer Balls Review

I was given Woolzies dryer balls, free to review and I love them they really do reduce the drying time! My dryer doesn't get so hot so I have to turn my dryer on twice every time I dry my clothes. Today I used the Woolzies balls and my clothes got dry the first time around! They also made my clothes feel softer and they had less wrinkles in them. All you have to do in throw them in the dryer and poof they start working on your clothes. Here is some information on this product:
 Woolzies are 100% pure New Zealand wool dryer balls that do everything that conventional fabric softeners do plus they reduce drying time by 25%. They are money back guaranteed to last for at least 1,000 loads! Woolzies have no chemicals at all and are also hypoallergenic so are safe even for people with wool sensitivities.
I will definitely be buying this product in the future. Depending on how much you wash these dryer balls can last for a year or more! What a great invention! Get yours here.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.