
Friday, October 30, 2015

Turkey Hill Gelato Ice Cream Review

I was chosen by Green Moms Meet to review the Turkey Hill Gelato Ice cream. I was given 9 coupons to  get Turkey Hill Gelato Ice-cream free. Boy was I excited! I like this icecream because it dosen't have a lot of ingrendents that are unknown to me. This icecream is only made from milk, suger,cream and different flavors!  This is a really a all natural product. It cost more than other icecream but it is worth it! MMM it is so good!
   I help with a community garden in my neighborhood in the summer. There are other volunteers that help with the garden also and I shared the ice-cream with them. They loved the ice-cream! And were all very excited to receive coupons for the ice cream.

  There are 9 different flavors:
 Typically, gelato is made with less cream than ice cream and more milk than ice cream.Turkey Hill,use all natural ingredients in each gelato flavor. It taste just like ice-cream that your mama made! My favorite flavor is Sea Salted Caramel and Peach Mango. The most amazing thing about this ice-cream in that it doesn't have all the unknown ingredients that other ice-cream have. Its made simple like ice cream should be made.
You can also receive coupons for money off. While you won't get free ice cream, you can still save some money. It is totally worth it!
Get your coupon here.