
Thursday, December 29, 2011

How to Raise a Child Who Listens Well

I found this on and I liked it so much and found it so useful that had to share it with everyone! Enjoy!
Being a good listener is critical to your child's success at school. If he can't follow directions, whether on the playground ("Pick a partner and pass the ball back and forth across the field") or in the classroom ("Take out a piece of paper and a crayon") — he'll have a tough time learning. Children who are good listeners also have an advantage socially — they tend to be very good friends to others.

Here are seven ways you can help your child become a better listener:

Be a good listener yourself

Don't interrupt your child when he's telling you a story. Give him your undivided attention when he's talking — don't read the paper or carry on a conversation with someone else at the same time. Turn your attention to him when he wants to tell or show you something. If you want him to listen to you, he needs to see that you will listen to him too. Children return the respect they receive — and children who are listened to tend to become good listeners themselves.
Give clear, simple directions for everyday tasks

Get in the habit of giving your child simple instructions. Make eye contact with him, and say, "Please go into your room and make your bed. Then get your backpack and meet me downstairs." As he becomes a better listener, you can add another task or two. In this way, you're not only teaching your child to listen well, but also to be independent.
Praise good listening

Saying "Thanks for being such a good listener" will reinforce your child's desire to listen. Make a special point of praising him when he follows directions the first time.
Say what you mean

If you tell your child "You can have two more cookies," then give him two cookies — not three or four. Once your child figures out that you don't stick to your word, he'll tune you out.
Be consistent about consequences

If you tell your child that you will leave the grocery store if he continues to stand up in the cart, follow through without giving him another chance. Your child will be more inclined to do what is asked of him when he understands that his actions have clear, enforceable consequences.
Read aloud together

The time you spend reading together will help prepare your child for story time at school. He'll be expected to sit still for longer and longer periods so anything you can do at home to help him increase his tolerance for listening will help. But don't force your fidgety preschooler to listen to books he's not interested in — this will make him less rather than more interested in reading.


  1. yes! this is good information..and I believe it!

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