
Saturday, December 31, 2011

FREE Retro Printable New Year’s Eve Decorations

Happy New Year everyone! Celebrate New Years Eve the right way with these adorable, Free , New Year's Eve decorations.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Victoria Secret's Free New Year's Eve Panties Coupons

Want to ring in the new years on a new note! Get Sexy by turning this coupon in on the 30th at your local Victoria Secret Store. Any purchase and you get a free pair of New Year’s Panties with this coupon.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

How to Raise a Child Who Listens Well

I found this on and I liked it so much and found it so useful that had to share it with everyone! Enjoy!
Being a good listener is critical to your child's success at school. If he can't follow directions, whether on the playground ("Pick a partner and pass the ball back and forth across the field") or in the classroom ("Take out a piece of paper and a crayon") — he'll have a tough time learning. Children who are good listeners also have an advantage socially — they tend to be very good friends to others.

Here are seven ways you can help your child become a better listener:

Be a good listener yourself

Don't interrupt your child when he's telling you a story. Give him your undivided attention when he's talking — don't read the paper or carry on a conversation with someone else at the same time. Turn your attention to him when he wants to tell or show you something. If you want him to listen to you, he needs to see that you will listen to him too. Children return the respect they receive — and children who are listened to tend to become good listeners themselves.
Give clear, simple directions for everyday tasks

Get in the habit of giving your child simple instructions. Make eye contact with him, and say, "Please go into your room and make your bed. Then get your backpack and meet me downstairs." As he becomes a better listener, you can add another task or two. In this way, you're not only teaching your child to listen well, but also to be independent.
Praise good listening

Saying "Thanks for being such a good listener" will reinforce your child's desire to listen. Make a special point of praising him when he follows directions the first time.
Say what you mean

If you tell your child "You can have two more cookies," then give him two cookies — not three or four. Once your child figures out that you don't stick to your word, he'll tune you out.
Be consistent about consequences

If you tell your child that you will leave the grocery store if he continues to stand up in the cart, follow through without giving him another chance. Your child will be more inclined to do what is asked of him when he understands that his actions have clear, enforceable consequences.
Read aloud together

The time you spend reading together will help prepare your child for story time at school. He'll be expected to sit still for longer and longer periods so anything you can do at home to help him increase his tolerance for listening will help. But don't force your fidgety preschooler to listen to books he's not interested in — this will make him less rather than more interested in reading.

$10.00 Worth of Bounce Coupons

Bounce is giving away $10.00 worth of coupons to all who request this freebie!

These coupons are not limited to Bounce products only. With these coupons you can save on Tide, Febreeze, Downy and more!

These coupons can offer you some serious savings!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Free Stickers

Do you love stickers? Who doesn't, right?! At PETA Kids, their'e always coming up with cool new ways for you to spread the word about animal rights and one super easy way to do that is with stickers. Get yours free.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Years Resolutions Worksheets

Wow the new year is almost here. Its time for making goals again. I found this article on the web and I thought I would share it with everyone.
It’s tough to keep resolutions, but this can help. The Resolution Worksheet is all about helping you set and keep your goals. Just download it, print one for as many resolutions as you have, and fill it out!

Here’s a explanation of each section on the worksheet.

Goals / Time to accomplish: Write down your goal, and be as specific as possible! Don’t say “exercise more.” Say “be working out three time per week by June.” Don’t say “eat healthier.” Say “feature vegetables in every dinner by February.” Or whatever applies to your goal! Being specific helps you focus on what needs to be done and makes it more attainable. Setting a deadline helps you establish stages to reach your goal.

Monthly goals: Setting a goal each month (or each week, if your resolution will only take a few months) breaks your resolution into manageable steps you can tackle one at a time. Think about your resolution and how you can break it so that you’ll be excited to work toward it.

Strategy: What’s your strategy? Are you starting with small changes and gradually working up to bigger ones? Do you need classes or more prep before you can dive in? How are you prepared to beat any potential frustration? Write how you want to work up to each monthly goal here.

Supplies: What do you need? Better running shorts, more healthy recipes, a how-to book, a new computer program? Write it down, and give yourself a deadline.

: Do you need to call anyone or anyplace to ask about rates, fees, ideas, times, dates, or advice? Write them down here, and give yourself a deadline by which to make the calls.

Resources: Have any great blogs, books, websites, or people who can help you on your journey to attaining your goal? Scour the web if you’re not sure, and write those resources here. Refer to this list often for support and ideas.

Encouragement buddies: There’s nothing like a friend who can encourage you to achieve your goal. Ask a friend if he or she would be willing to occasionally give you some encouragement or a verbal kick to get you in the right direction if you feel yourself entering a slump. Call them freely and ask for that push!

Rewards: If you stick to your monthly goals, you deserve a reward! Is it a new book, a night out, a new accessory? Keep an eye on this box to see what you’re working for (apart from the satisfaction of completing your resolution, that is!), and don’t reward yourself unless you’ve completed the goal.


Monday, December 26, 2011

How to Teach a Child to Write

It take a lot of practice before a child can learn to write their alphabet. When teaching a child to write it is important to remember that quality is more important then quantity.
In order to teach my children to write, what I do is have them write just one latter for two days and she has to write two pages full in school and for homework, then we proceed to the next letter. You can have the child trace the letter or write on their own. Tracing works easier for my children. The reason I only have children write 0ne letter for only two days is because they will get board and become tired of the same letter. This is where I go for tracing pages :

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Love Parenting

Being a good parent is not easy but if you do your best and learn to love parenting
you will have great benefits and joy. When your child act out don't see it as a problem but as a opportunity to teach them and always remember that children are not perfect and will make many mistakes. A child memory is so short that you have to tell them something many times before they will remember it. You will make mistakes and that OK because parents and children have to work together to learn about being a good to each other. The most important thing for parents to do with their children is communicate with them. If you can teach your child to communicate with you and to respect themselves and others that in itself is a great achievement. Parenting can be either hard or beautiful. Its up to you how you will perceive it!

Friday, December 23, 2011

10 Tips To Stop Your Cold

We all know the common wisdom about colds,rest drink plenty of fluids,and wash your hands. Here are some clinically proven things that you can take and do to reduce the discomfort of your cold.
1.Zinc Gluconate is good because of its antiviral Properties.
2.Licorice tea is good because it sooth your throat and chest.
3.Fenugreek tea helps clear out mucus, reduce respiratory inflammation and ease your cough.
4.Garlic has potent antiviral and antibacterial properties to fight infection.
5.Gargling with warm Salt Water helps a sore throat by flushing out inflamed tissues and mucus.
6.Pomegranate is full of vitamins,antioxidants and zinc which boosts your immune system and aid your body in defending its self.
7.Ginger root made into a tea can settle an upset stomach,ease inflammation,and help you rest.
8.Cayenne Pepper,will help clear up congested sinuses as well as helping circulation to keep the chill away. Just mix a little cayenne pepper powder with lemon and make a tea out of it.

9.Wash Out Your Nasal Passages by using saline solution you can clear out mucus irritants and start breathing easier.
10.Lastly to keep from spreading germs to your self and family you should wash your hands as much as possible so that you will keep the germs out of your body. Stay Healthy moms!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Free Doll Patterns

I found this really cool web site where you can find free doll patterns! Check it Out!

Monday, December 19, 2011

I was so happy to receive this fun little award from Jaye at
Make sure you check her blog out! It is one of my favorites!
The Liebster award ("Liebster" is the German word for friend or love) originated in Germany. The aim of the award is to bring attention to blogs with fewer than 200 followers.
These are the rules for accepting the award:
1. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
2. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the Internet-other writers!
5. And best of all - have fun and spread the Karma!
6. Right click on the award image to save it to your computer and then upload to your blog!
I choose to pass this award on to:

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Name Felt Craft

This is a easy felt craft to teach your child to spell their name.
Things you will need are:
Different color felt fabric.

First choice the color fabric you want to use. Next use white or any other color fabric to cut out the letters of your child's name. Then use different color fabric and make different shapes to decorate the name picture. Glue the letters and shapes to a piece of fabric to make your picture. Enjoy!

Oral-B Stages and MommyParties Review

I was very excited to learn that I was selected for a Mommy Party. I had some of my mommy friends and their children over for some fun. My children helped set up our movie theater. We decorated our TV room with paper chains that we made.
In our Oral B stages party supplies we received:

Movie Theater
-Disney Winnie the Pooh Movie
-Oral-B Goodie Bags
-Oral-B Balloons
-Popcorn Boxes
-Oral-B Stages Toothpaste in 3 different Disney themes: Cars, Toy Story, and Princess. (so the boys & girls could have their own kind)
-Oral-B Stages Disney Winnie the Pooh Toothbrushes
-Winnie the Pooh Disney Naturals Hair and Body Wash
- and Oral-B fact sheets
-Oral-B Flash Cards

The children enjoyed answering the question from the Flash Cards and was so happy that they got the questions right. The children enjoyed the Winnie the Pooh Movie and said that they would watch it again. They loved having their own popcorn cartons!

Everyone enjoyed going home with a goodie bag of their own. The kids were very happy to get new toothbrushes and Winnie the Pooh Disney Naturals Hair and Body Wash. My daughters like to take bubble baths with the Winnie the Pooh body wash. I like how it makes their skin smell! The two year old children loved their new toothbrush because it was just the right size for their hands. All the moms were happy to receive the . My daughters like how the toothpaste taste like bubble gum.

Mom enjoying the movie!

**I had the opportunity to host this awesome MommyParty and had products provided for by MomSelect and sponsored by Oral-B Stages. No compensation was received. My thoughts are 100% my own. Thank you Oral B Stages and MomSelect for this opportunity!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sprint's 3-Day Android Sale

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Sprint for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Sprint is having a Cool 3 day sale going on right now. The sale is from 12/12 to 12/14. They have sales on Android™ powered EVO 4G or EVO™ Shift devices. Get a Samsung Conquer 4G Free for a limited time. Plus, get free shipping on online orders and free activation on new lines of service. How cool is that? You get a free Android plus free shipping! Now that is what I call a super good deal!

Android™ powered EVO 4G devices

Get the HTC EVO™ 4G or EVO™ Shift for FREE only on Sprint here:

Plus get waived activation for new lines of service and free shipping from Sprint here:

Also did you know that Sprint will Pay you up to 250$ towards your new phone when you trade in you old Phone? Its very good that Sprint participate in recycling, which is a very good quailty for a company to have because not only are they saving themselves  money but are also helping the environment as well. 

Hurry and get your new phone because this sale only last until Dec. 14, 2011! This deal would make a great gift for the holidays! I hope someone gets me one! lol!

Visit Sponsor's Site

Free Fries at BURGER KING

BK® has all new fries. They’re hot. They’re perfectly salted. And for one day only, they’re free. Get to a BURGER KING® December 16th to experience them. You don’t want to be the one who wasn’t there.
No purchase necessary. One free value size French Fry per person, per visit. At participating restaurants. Offer good December 16, 2011 only. While supplies last.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Are You Feeling Frustrated ?

Have you been feeling lately?
There is a point when a lot of people will just say, “I Quit” and give up. Before you do though, here’s some steps you can take to get through frustration:

Ask Yourself, “What Is Working in This Situation?”
Even if feels like nothing is working, look closely and you will probably find at least something that is going right. So, that’s great. You’ve found something that’s working. Now, how do you improve it? By asking this question, you’ve taken yourself out of the negative mindset of “it’s hopeless” and you are back to focusing on the positive.

Keep an Accomplishments Log
Write down everything you accomplish in a log. If you do it in a monthly format you will be able to see all that you have accomplished in one month. You may be surprised by how much you have done. If you realize there’s not much on the list, it may open your eyes to the fact that you may be procrastinating more than working or that you are using too much of your energy doing too many things and that you need to focus more. Hopefully, you will have lots of items on your list then you can know that even though it may not feel like it, you are moving forwards. The log will also help show where you were the most effective and where you need to work harder.

Focus On What You Want to Happen
Go back to the big picture. What is the desired outcome? Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in one problem and trying to solve it that we forget what we were originally trying to accomplish. Try not to ask yourself, “Why did this happen?” Asking questions like that will keep you rooted in the past. It doesn’t offer a solution to the problem. The important thing is knowing the answer to the following two questions:
- What do you want to happen differently this time?”
- What do you need to do in order to get there?

Remove the “Noise” and Simplify
When you’re trying to solve a problem, you can get so wrapped up in trying to find a solution that you add unnecessary clutter, noise, and tasks to a project because you thought they “might” be a solution.
Determine what is really necessary and remove everything else. Anything that takes your too much time and effort that isn’t adding value, should be removedd.
Multiple Solutions
You always have options. You just need to brainstorm and figure them out. Tell yourself you need to come up with possible options to what you’re dealing with. Just knowing that you have lots of options will help to make you feel better. You won’t feel like you are trapped in one negative situation. From your list, figure out the best solution and do it.

Take Action
When you get into serious frustration with a problem, you tend not to want to work on it anymore. It’s hard, it’s frustrating, and you’re not getting anywhere. So, anything to avoid having to be in that situation may be far more attractive. Procrastination may start to set in. If you can keep taking steps forwards, you will probably make it past this temporary hump.
The other thing that can happen is that you start to spend a lot of time worrying. Worrying is a waste of energy and does not help you move in a forwards direction. Only taking action will. Once you start moving forwards again, you will most likely find that you worried for no reason at all.

Visualize a Positive Outcome to the Situation
A lot of times you can get stuck on focusing on what you don’t want to happen or fearing the absolute worst thing that could happen. There should be no roam for failure in your mind. This is what you need to focus on as well. See yourself achieving your desired goal. What will it feel like? How will you feel? Take the time to visualize it and really feel it. It will help you to keep moving forwards.

Stay Positive
Things are usually not as bad as they appear. Sometimes, things seem much worse simply because we’re tired or mentally drained. Taking a break and remembering to keep your sense of humor can also help. This type of frustration will pass. A positive mind is far more open to solutions and answers than a negative one that thinks that everything is “hopeless” and “useless”. A closed mind will not be able to see the possible solutions when they come along. Stay positive.

As with any problem, the solution is to figure out what your options are, decide on a plan, focus, and then take action. By using the above steps, you should find that you’re running into fewer problems and feeling less frustration.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

FREE Dove® Damage Therapy Daily Moisture Shampoo & Conditioner

FREE Dove Damage Therapy Daily Moisture Shampoo & Conditioner SAMPLE with patented MICROMOISTURE Serum nourishes dry, rough hair to restore softness.

Advanced damage care and repair system:
- Formula with patented MICROMOISTURE Serum effectively nourishes hair to help lock in essential moisture.
- Leaves hair looking healthy, soft and smooth without weighting it down.
This freebie is available at Costco website but requires no Costco membership. Just skip this part when filling out your info. Get a sample of the Dove Damage Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner! Cool sample!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sasa's Blog Boost Hop

The purpose of this blog hop is to help each other get a higher Page Rank in Google. Just add your URL: from so that we can all help each get a higher page rank in Google.
Never heard of BlogNation?
BlogNation is a FREE blog directory that will list your blog under a website you designate.Why would you want to list your website with Blog Nation?

The more places you are listed, the more traffic you get.
The more places you are listed, the more back links you get; and the more back links you have, the higher your Page Rank goes with Google.
They have a complete listing of many blogs, so you will be sure to find your niche.
Join Blog Nation.It is simple to sign up. Go to BlogNation adn click Submit a blog in the lower right hand corner.
Then fill out your blog information, Facebook pages, accounts etc. When you go to select a site to enter yours under, make sure you pick one that closely resembles your niche. Then you can select your category. Here are a few examples:

Site: Category: Fantasy
Site: Category: Product Reviews
Site: Category: Beauty
Site: Category: Homeschooling
Site: Category: Entertainment

Make sure when you write the description you use good keywords that explain your blog.

After you submit your blog, you will get a welcome email with a link that you need to go to and pick up your badge. You can put it in your sidebar or a post anywhere on your site.Have Fun People!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Importants of Communication

It is very important to communicate with your children. I believe that the reason so many parents have so many problems with their child is because they don't understand the value of talking with their children. Many parents believe that they should do things to their children with out explaining why they are doing what they are doing. They think that because they are the adult they don't have to explain themselves to their children. "Don't ask my why my parents used to say to me. "Just do as you are told"
So many parents tell their children to do thing without telling them why they should or shouldn't do things,so as a result children grow up not understanding their religion and themselves. If a parent tells a child not to tease people but don't explain why, the child will do it again because they don't see any harm in it.
So parents if you want to have a more happy life with your children,communicate with them so that they will understand the how and why of life.You will understand them and they will understand you, themselves, and other people. They will know that they don't have to cry, yell or hit in order to get what they want in life.

3 Free Meals at IHOP

IHOP has started a Pancake Revolution. Their mission is to bring pancakes to the people, and they want their fans to be the first to receive FREE meals from IHOP restaurants.

By joining the IHOP Pancake Revolution, you will receive a free meal, just for signing up!

In addition to the free delicious sign up meal, you will also receive a free meal on your birthday, and on your 1-year anniversary of joining the IHOP Pancake Revolution.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sasa's Blog Hop

The rules of this blog hop is simple just follow my blog and hop to the next blog and have fun making new friends and discovery's!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Victoria's Secret Giftcard Giveaway

Victoria's Secret wants to show their fans how much they appreciate them by giving away 100,000 Secret Reward Gift Cards everyday, now through December 15th!

Each day, 100,000 Secret Rewards cards will be given away. The reward cards are worth $10, $50, $100 and $500 dollars! WOW! With 100,000 of these cards being given away EVERY DAY, your chances are looking pretty good!

These gift cards are given out each day at 9AM EST. If you don't get one on your first days try, come back the next day at 9am EST and try again!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Free Earrings Just Pay Shipping

I found this really cool site where you can get ,rings,Bracelets,and necklaces, all you have to do is pay 6.99 for shipping.They have some really nice stuff!

Monday, November 28, 2011

10.00 Walmart Gift Card Ends 12/20/11

Hi everyone! This is my second giveaway! Just follow the rules on the Rafflecopter.Thanks and have Fun!

Have a giveaway you want to promote? Try here:

Kroger's The Truly Awesome™ Homestyle Chocolate Chip Cookies

I am a BuzzAgent and I receive samples in the mail.When I received Kroger's The Truly Awesome™ Homestyle Chocolate Chip Cookies in the mail I was so excited!These cookies really taste good! They taste like Chip Ahoy cookies only these are not as soft.They are twice the size of Chips Ahoy cookies and taste good with milk and tea.They have a lot of chocolate chips in them.Which is really good. I would definitely recommend and purchase over and over again!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

FREE Nursery® Bag

The Sign up to receive a bag big enough to fit wipes, extra clothes or groceries. And, best of all, it is FREE!
THIS CONTEST STARTS EVERY DAY AT 12-NOON EST, (11am Central, 10am Mountain, 9am Pacific). Due to the tremendous response, the daily allocation runs out quickly - usually before 1:00pm EST!

As soon as the bags run out, the counter will show zero again - but the Inventory is reset at 12:00PM (Noon) EST everyday - so you can always try again.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Free Books for Children

Sign up for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library.You will receive a paperback book every month, until your child is 5 years old.You may sign up how every many children you want and each will receive a book until they reach the age of 5 years old! How cool is that!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Babies R Us Free Baby Formula Samples

Sign up today for free baby formula samples from Babies R Us Infant Formula.
Please select from two infant formula samples:

Babies R Us Premium Infant Formula
Babies R Us Advantage Infant Formula

Who Cuter Puppies or Babies

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Puppies vs. Babies for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

We all know that the sight of a cuddly baby or a cute puppy makes hearts melt, but it's time America found out who is cuter in the online version of Puppies vs.Babies!   Puppies vs. Babies online contest  I believe that babies are cuter than dogs because they smell sweet, their skin is soft and not hairy, they have the cutest smile and they don't chew on your couch. My baby Z is cuter than any dog because she is very funny has a beautiful smile and a musical laugh. My baby Z  is cuter than a dog because she pets my face when I am sad. Whenever I come home,  she always give me a sweet smile!  And she doesn't get dog hair all over the house! I will take a baby over a puppy any day!

Everyone vote Puppies vs. Babies and let the world know who you think is cuter, a baby or puppy by November 23rd and have your say in who will be the top baby or puppy to win! The winning puppy or baby will get $5,000! Please let me know who you vote for by leaving a comment on this post.! Thanks


Visit Sponsor's Site

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mickey Mouse Box Craft

This is a box me and my girls made in school for craft. They are very easy and fun to make.
You will need:
card stock,or plain paper
glue stick
stickers, (we used Mickey Mouse stickers)
Print the template from this web site .Follow the directions on the printable.
Glue the sides together then reinforce the box with tape.To make a stronger box, stuff it with paper before closing. Decorate with stickers.

Hartstrings Black Friday Sale

This holiday Hartstrngs is offering and additional 20% off the entire website. For over 30 years, Hartstrings has been providing children with classic, American styles with a modern flare.  From dresses to cardigans, from rain boots to pajamas, offers it all - and this Black Friday it's all 20% off - even sale items! This is a great place to buy quality clothing. Now is the time to buy! Check it out today!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Free Lion Brand HOMETOWN USA Scarf Pattern

Get a free Lion Brand® HOMETOWN USA® yarn scarf pattern, perfect for making a great holiday gift!
Just click the link below to download a free Lion Brand® HOMETOWN USA® yarn scarf pattern.

Free Double Sided Heel & Sole Exfoliator

Nomorerack is offering a free Double Sided Heel & Sole Exfoliator! All you have to do is sign up and like them on facebook,and they will send you this item for free.Just pay for 2.00 shipping.But you must Hurry this deal ends in 20 hours!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Progarms for Homeschool

I use these two web site to help my 2 and 4 year old daughters to read.The is a good site.They teach alphabet sounds and how to sound out words and make sentences.This is another, site I use for my 2 year old daughter to teach her ABC's.Youtube is also a good place to find all sorts of learning videos for children.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Great Savings At Nomorerack

Check out this cool site can get some really good deals on holiday gifts here.When you sign up you will get 10.00 off you order!Take a look at this video! If interested sign up and get you saving now.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Burt's Bees Sensitive Skin Products

I am in another campaign for BzzAgent.This time it was for the new Burt's Bees Sensitive Skin Facial Cleaning line.I received a full size product of the face wash and the daily moisturizer.The first time I used this product I thought it was nice because it made my face feel soft and clean.But as I used the product for the third and fourth time it began to make my face itch and brake out.So I have stopped using this product.I don't know if it was because I have eczema or what but this product is not for me.

Sensitive Facial Cleanser:

This soap-free facial cleaner is clinically proven to moisturize sensitive skin while gently cleansing away dirt, oil and makeup without over drying or causing redness or irritation. Also, it:

Contains Quillaja, which is extracted from the bark of the Soapbark tree and provides a natural foaming lather
Contains Yucca, a desert plant high in saponins, which have traditionally been used in cleansing
Costs $9.99

Sensitive Daily Moisturizer

This all day, nourishing moisturizer is clinically proven to moisturize sensitive skin without causing redness or irritation. Also, it:

Contains Rice Extract to moisturize
Contains Aloe to soothe
Is Non-Comedogenic (it won't clog pores)
Costs $14.99
I would not recommenced this product if you have eczema.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Autumn Squirrel Wreath Craft

I know I haven't posted anything about homeschooling in a long time so here is a craft for you, my children enjoyed it.
Things you need are:.
Ring of cardboard (empty cereal boxes work great)
yellow and orange construction paper

Trace a small plate and a large plate onto a piece of old cardboard.
Its okay if you go over the folds of the cardboard
Cut a small strip of cardboard and glue it onto the back of the ring over any folds in the cardboard.
This is for reinforcement of the ring.Cut strips of construction paper (about 1 1/2 inches by 4 inches). Glue the strips into rolls (like making a paper chain)
Glue the rolls of construction paper onto the wreath.We made a yellow and orange pattern, but you can do it as you wish.

Print out the template.I used brown construction paper.I cut it down to fit in the printer.

Glue the head, acorn and two paws on top of the wreath.
Glue the body, tail and two paws on the back of the wreath (so it looks like the squirrel is peeking over the top.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Liebster Blog Award

I received the Liebster Blog award as an up and coming blog.I received this from
thecrazynutsmom.(Thank You)

The Liebster Blog Award is given to up coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, .....

I must pass it on to other bloggers that are up and coming as well.

Here are my 2 picks:

Please take the time to go show them some love on their pages!
Note to Bloggers: The rules for the Liebster Award are:

1. Thank the giver and link back to her/him
2. Reveal your top picks and leave a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and Paste the award on your blog.
4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love too!

Free 5.00 Kohl Gift Card

I found a wonderful freebie for you! Sign up to receive Kohl's email updates and you will receive a gift card for $5.00 off of your next in-store purchase, and 10% off of your next online purchase at As a member of their email club you will receive updates about clearance events, sales, exclusive offers, promo codes, and free shipping.What a deal!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sunflower Craft

Things you will need:
glue stick
yellow tissue paper
green tissue paper
popcorn or dried peas beans
or lentils any one you have.

Print out the template.

Cut out the template pieces.

Glue the flower and leaves onto the stem. You can glue both onto a piece of white paper or any color construction paper

Glue seeds into center of the sunflower with regular glue.
Glue cut up pieces of yellow tissue paper onto the petals with glue stick.Glue sticks are easier to use than regular glue.

Glue cut up pieces of green tissue paper onto the leaves with glue stick.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Being a Good Mom is Hard

Being a good mom is not an easy task. You have to Constantly put effort in it. What you did yesterday doesn't count for today, because more than likely your child forgot about what you did with them yesterday or even a earlier in the day.

For example my daughter always want me to play house with her all day and I say to her" honey I just played with you a while ago she replies" mommy I want you to play with me now please"

So every day try to do something with each of your children because once the day is gone it is gone forever!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Free Tokens From Chuck E. Cheese

Everyone here is a freebie for the children.Parents are you looking for a great way to reward your kids? How about FREE TOKENS on their next visit to Chuck E. Cheese? All you have to do is download these free reward calendars to help your children develop in areas that are common challenges of parenting.
Then mark of the day with a pin or stickers as your child accomplishes their goals,than bring it in and receive 10 free tokens!This is a really cool offer!

The Best Gifts for Kids

Many Parents like to give their kids lots of toys for the Holiday's but I believe that the best toys are the ones that are educational. The best gifts for a child are books, because if you establish the love of reading in your children at a young age the love of reading will last a life time. Some of the most peaceful time that I have enjoyed with my kids are in a book store.

If you are looking for something to do with your child that won't cost a lot of money,going to the book store or library is the thing to do!  I personally prefer the book stores because it is more cheerful than the library and it smells batter as well!  This is a wonderful book that I found at the store today is called I Like Myself, by Karen Beaumont

It is a beautiful book! It will help your children learn the importance's of loving themselves.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Children are a blessing from God.They are so cute and pure and they bring me much happiness.

A lot people see children as a burden which is very sad. There are many children who are made to feel this way by their parents. When a child is made to feel unwanted and unloved their self-esteem becomes very low.They are often depressed and angry.

So parents please remember that a child has feelings just like you.Try to put your self in your child shoes and remember how you felt when you need your parents and they didn't make time for you.Remember how you felt when your parents degraded you.Parents please treat your children well.Don't be a cause of sorrow for your children.Because how you treat your child,now when they are small, is how they will treat you when they grow older.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Free Holiday Cards and Victoria Secret + Tote Bag = FREE + Shipping!

Get 10 Free Holiday Cards From There is no purchase necessary. Just use code HAPPY10FREE at checkout.

Victoria Secret + Tote Bag = FREE + Shipping!
Purchase any items online that total $10 or more and you will get sent a Free Secret Reward Card that is worth $10, $50, $100 or even $500!
The rewards cards can be redeemed online or in store starting December 1st.This is a really sweet deal!
Here’s what you can do:

1. Buy a something Pink that is worth 10.00
2. Add the tote to your card first.
3. Use code PINKTOTE11 to get the tote for free.
4. Your reward card will automatically be added to your order.
5. Your Final Price will be $10+Shipping, you’ll get a rewards card for AT LEAST $10 (hopefully more)
6. So you’re really only paying Shipping for and a tote bag from Victoria Secret!! Cool deal!!Get yours now!