
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Free Donuts at Krispy Kreme Everyday 5:00 to 10:00

Hey all you Krispy Kreme lovers you can get free donuts everyday from  5:00 to 10:00. Its called hot hour when they are making the new batch of donuts. So when you see the sign lit up you can get free donuts. Also for all the homeschooling people out there,  Krispy Kreme is a great place to go for a field trip.
  Three weeks ago my husband  took my  children and I to krispy kreme as a surprise and it was lovely! We got to see how the donuts were made and then we each got some free donuts! They were so good! The donuts just melted in our mouths. Mm-mm they were so good! It makes me hungry just writing about it! Sorry I didn't get pictures of the donuts being made as I didn't know where we were going, so I didn't bring my camera. We then brought a dozen of donuts and I enjoyed every bite!  My children had a wonderful time.

Have you every took your children to Krispy Kreme? How did they like it?

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